12/12 KU-NAfME-C Minutes

Monthly Meeting Minutes

December 12th, 2022

December Meeting Minutes

Thank you to all of those who were able to attend tonight's meeting. We had a great turnout, and I hope you all enjoyed learning about budgeting music programs from our guest speaker, Sheri Cain. New to the minutes is information regarding dues and a KMEA interest form, so be sure to read through!

Guest Speaker, Sheri Cain:

Sheri Cain gave a fantastic presentation on "A Guide to Budgets in Schools", which highlighted a few of her important tips for budgeting. The presentation's slides are attached.

From our Treasurer, Jack:


Hello everyone! As the end of the semester approaches, please remember that the due dates for our National and Chapter dues are quickly approaching. The price for Chapter dues is now $25, and must be paid by December 31st, 2022. Failure to pay chapter dues by December 31st, 2022 will result in membership termination and ineligibility for the KMEA workshop. Please pay $25 to our KU-NAfME Venmo (@KUNAfME_C). Additionally, once you have paid both the national and chapter dues please fill out this quick Google Form with proof of payment.

If you are having trouble with any dues please do not hesitate to contact me or anyone on the executive team to get help! Also, here is a short video tutorial to help everyone walk through the process of paying national dues.

Remember that you are required to pay both national & chapter dues to attend the KMEA workshop on February 23rd - February 25th. Again, failure to pay chapter dues by December 31st, 2022 will result in membership termination and ineligibility for the KMEA workshop.

Jack Starcke

KU NAfME-C Treasurer
[email protected]
(913) 313-8109

From our Vice President, Max:


Hello future music educators! I'm sure you have heard murmurs about KMEA and that you should pay your dues so that you can go as a member of the chapter, but you may not really know what it is yet or why you would want to go! Attached is an interest form for the KMEA In-Service Workshop. We need to get a headcount for hotel rooms and carpooling in advance. I included a brief description of KMEA to hopefully answer some questions. You can also reach out any time for more information and more will be coming your way soon! Please fill out the form!

Max Bigus

University of Kansas
BME '25
KU NAfME-C Vice President
[email protected]

Other Notes:

Please follow us on Social Media! University of Kansas NAFME C on Facebook!

Bookmark our new website! Contains minutes, events calendar, documents page, executive team information, and general NAFME-C information. 

Have a wonderful winter break⛄!

Keaton Alexander

KU NAfME-C Secretary
BME '25
University of Kansas